The "e-Licensing" IS state database was designed to automate licensing processes, issuance of permits and ensure an effective, transparent mechanism of information interaction between government agencies, i.e. licensors and business community of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The system was implemented under the Program for creation and development of e-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan and state program for accelerated industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014.
Implementation of the "e-Licensing" IS state database project was carried out in two stages within 7 years:
1st stage: 2008 - 2012 - automation of licensing processes;
2nd stage: 2012 - 2014 - automation of permits.
Since 2015 to date, maintenance and update of the "e-Licensing" IS state database has been carried out.
The e-Licensing portal (http://elicense.kz) provides individuals and legal entities (citizens and organizations) with the following capabilities:
- provision of information on the procedure for obtaining a license and permits, familiarization with qualification requirements and the list of required documents pursuant to laws and regulations;
- submission of an electronic application for receipt, re-issuance of a license and permit. Thus, due to integration and optimization, there is no need to submit an organization's statutory documents, identity documents of an applicant, and other information that can be obtained from the state information systems;
- electronic payment of the state fee through e-Gov Payment Gateway when submitting an application for a license and an appendix thereto, as well as permits;
- reduction of the amount of documents required for obtaining a license and permits;
- control of the terms and statuses of consideration of electronic applications;
- monitoring of application processing process and in case of refusal, capability to obtain a substantiated refusal pursuant to laws ands regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- obtainment of public service delivery result online, also licenses and permits issued based on applications submitted in paper or through CSC are stored on the portal in electronic format;
- storage of electronic documents in a personal account;
- provision of reports on licenses to a government agency in electronic form;
- verification of a license and permits validity on the public domain website.
In 2011, the status of electronic and paper licenses has been equated, and since 2012, a legislative requirement for issuing licenses only in electronic form has been introduced, which ensured 100% participation of government agencies and allowed the second stage of the project to begin, which was development of a system for converting permits into electronic format.
To date, due to optimization and reduction of the number of permits and licenses by government agencies, 445 automated services are available on the "e-Licensing" IS state database (87 - licenses, 302 - permits, 55 - notifications, 1 - SPP certificate). Since the beginning of automation, the following amounts of documents were issued: licenses - 684 884; permits - 12 468 049; notification - 4 489 732.
On May 13, 2013, the results of the WSIS Project Prizes 2013 international competition, which was held within the framework of the World Summit on the Information Society, were announced in Geneva. Electronic licensing system of the Republic of Kazakhstan (www.elicense .kz) became the best project in the "e-Business" category. The success story of the project was published on the official resource of the International Telecommunication Union.
Since January 2014, due to optimization of the licensing process, submission of applications for all types of licensing in declarative form - "information forms" has been launched. That is, this form enables applicants to fill-in the information manually and reduces the number of documents that need to be attached.
In July 2022, a capability was automated to use a one-time code in the "e-Licensing" IS state database for individuals.
In July 2022, work was carried out on a new authorization/registration method in the "e-Licensing" IS state database under integration between the "e-Licensing" IS state database and mGOV through connection to the services published on Smart Bridge.
Automation of new capability to authorize and sign the service by QR code.
In November 2022, work was carried out in the "e-Licensing" IS state database to launch a new authorization/registration method by scanning a QR code through mobile device (smartphone) under integration between the "e-Licensing" IS state database and mGOV through connection to the services published on Smart Bridge.