Government Agencies Intranet Portal
Objective: Government Agencies` Intranet Portal (GAIP) involves development of single information environment and automation of government agencies` business processes.
GAIP`s tasks and areas:
- creation of a tool for the development of civil service`s corporate culture;
- facilitation in networking between government employees from different agencies;
- knowledge sharing within agencies and between government agencies and, therefore, improving the quality and efficiency of government employees` performance.
GAIP`s major business processes:
- Coordination of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ draft laws and regulations;
- Monitoring of execution of governmental action plans, including government agencies` operation plans;
- Monitoring of the number of government employees ;
- Reminders on the supervised orders given by Presidential Administration and Prime Minister`s Office to government agencies;
- Joint documentation work online;
GAIP`s supplementary services:
- Integrated e-mail;
- “Standards” Database;
- “Documents` Library” Database;
- “Legislation” Database;
- Kazakh-Russian-English dictionary;
- Notice board;
- Calendar with capability of planning the tasks;
- Informers reflecting news feed;
- Instant messaging;
- Kazakhstani government agencies` directory;
- Polling/surveys;
- Forum.
GAIP IS interoperates with the following information systems:
- Single e-Workflow System;
- Presidential Administration`s External Web-Portal IS;
- Government Agencies’ Certification Authority;
- Integrated e-Postal System;
- “Adilet”- database of Kazakhstani laws and regulations;
- “National registry of electronic information resources and information systems” IS and “Depository of software, software codes and technical standard documentation”;
- “Informatization Knowledge Database” architectural portal;
- “e-Kyzmet” IS;
- “Legal Monitoring of Laws and Regulations” subsystem in Ministry for Justice of the RoK corporate portal.
Today, all central government agencies, committees, local bodies and 16 local governments, including those in Astana and Almaty, are connected to GAIP.